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Rachel is part of the Forge Writers Group at Black Swan Theatre Company


In the UK, Rachel was the resident writer for Fine Comb Theatre Companyassociate artists at Oldham Coliseum Theatre


Empty Apology, Short-listed for Best Writer by Rapid Reels monologue competition, 2020

There's a Fly in My Room, Short-listed by Offcut Manchester, 2020

Matchsticks, Nominated for Winner of The Best New Writing Award by Write for the Stage & GMF Best Drama, 2017

Writing Credits 


* No Such Thing As Ordinary, Royal Exchange Theatre & Tameside Creatives, GuideBridge Theatre, 2021


* Empty Apology, Rapid Reels, Online, 2020


* Not Yours, Mine, Fine Comb Theatre, Oldham Coliseum, 2019


* Not Yours, Mine (R&D), Fine Comb Theatre, Hope Studios, 2019


* There's a Fly in My RoomOffcut Manchester, 53Two, 2019


* Grasshopper (Scratch as part of FC Conversations) Fine Comb Theatre, Oldham Coliseum, 2018


* There's a Fly in My Room(Scratch as part of FC Conversations) Fine Comb Theatre, Oldham Coliseum, 2018


* Measuring Up (Scratch as part of FC Conversations) Fine Comb Theatre, Oldham Coliseum, 2018


Expectations (Scratch as part of FC Conversations) Fine Comb Theatre, Oldham Coliseum, 2018


* Lost & Found, #GetInvolved, The Lowry Theatre Studio, 2018


* There's a Fly in My Room (Scratch), Fine Comb Theatre, Halifax Square Chapel, 2018


* Matchsticks, Fine Comb Theatre, Oldham Coliseum Theatre, 53Two, Theatre Arrlechino, The Kings Arms, 2016-2018


*Biggest Regret (Monologue), Actors Lab Showcase, The Lowry Theatre Studio, 2017


*Panties (Short Play), PenFed Significant Other Festival, 53Two, 2017


* Untrained Hero, Fine Comb Theatre, Theatre Arrlechino (Basel, CH), 2017


Discernment, #GetInvolved, The Lowry Theatre Quays Stage, 2017


*Fat Penguins or Chubby Polar Bears, Fine Comb Theatre, The Adelphi Studio & Theatre Arrelchino, 2016


*Small Talk, Fine Comb Theatre, 3MTheatre, 2013


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